Herb Garden

Many years later she will look back on this time with fondness, remembering only the results of her toil.

The preparation it took in fertilizing the soil of their souls and the effort it cost her in exercising restraint during this, were all but forgotten. Instead, replaced with a cherished sense of honour and privilege it was to raise such future leaders.

A recollection of milestone events as each sapling took root and responded to the ever-changing dynamic that the weather of circumstance brought with it. The nutrients of discipline, self-control, and discernment shaped them into the young adults they are today.

With help, she did the planting. And by her side others helped with the watering. But best of all, she humbly and gratefully acknowledges that she had nothing to do with the growing. 

Herb Garden (Lavender & Bergamot)


Fiji Time

