Green Beneath
It doesn’t take long before the heat catches up again.
As her hands lift to take hold of the fence in front, one foot slips out of its housing. The anticipation of their soul meeting the cool, soft blades of grass makes her a little eager to step down into it and she misses her hold on the gate teetering off balance.
Immediately, a strong chest presses into her back as an arm gently steadies her, its hand taking hold of that which was missed. She uses this to brace herself & completes the disrobing of her feet, relaxed in the security of his concern.
That steadying arm is united with its brother, encompassing her in their embrace. Safe again. Cooling now with both feet free to enjoy the green beneath, as the warmth inside quickly joins in.
The risk is always worth taking when it makes good on the promise of green.
Green Beneath